The Science of What Already Is and What Could Be...
Timeless Travel in Science Fiction
They came from another star system. And, they were clearly alien. They were here like many other, off-world beings of other types, whose purposes varied, from observation to doing harm.
They seemed highly engaged in aerial maneuvers, and close enough that I could see the multiple portals lining a central bulge of one of the saucer-shaped ships. The ship loomed larger, much closer. Then, I began making out other key details of the ship's outer hull. At the same time, I began to pick up, telepathically, as it were, why they were here. And, the connection was coming from someone, inside that ship! One thing was certain, a sense of No Time To Waste and Ardent purpose accompanied their visitation.
Then, I woke up...

He sat on the mountain top. It was pre-dawn. And, his hunting expedition for deer had wound down. While he rested, still and deep in the peaceful darkness, his view of the whole coastal plain and ocean to the west was simply breathtaking. City lights added to the remarkable panorama. Then, suddenly, without warning a blue, luminous orb appeared overhead and just off to the north of him. It was quite animated and well within good visual range. But it tarried not. Again without warning, it moved off with indescribable speed. Within a few seconds, it past the mountain, went over the city lights and coastal plain, then over the ocean...disappeared.
He was wide awake...