Timeless Travel In American Folklore and Imagery

Unconfirmed Accounts in the American Experience

Bigfoot Saga

One of the most popular, enigmatic and unproven accounts in American folklore has to be the Bigfoot saga. Also known as Sasquatch in North America, alleged sightings of the being go back deeply in the past. In fact, a number of Native American accounts add much to the credibility of Bigfoot's existence. But until proof can be obtained, perhaps the most perplexing saga in American folklore remains just outside the peripheral vision of reality. Does that mean Bigfoot doesn't exist? Not by any means.

Such is the volume of sighting accounts from deep in the past to present day that the sheer mountain of circumstantial evidence, worldwide, lends itself to proof. Yes, it's worldwide. And, perhaps the only thing keeping the Bigfoot Saga in the shadows of fiction is much of mankind's refusal to concede another sentient being could be sharing our planet with us, right under our noses and successfully evading us.

Much of America, perhaps the world agrees now that we are not alone in the Universe. We can accept that paradigm-bending conclusion. And if we can do that, is it only a matter of time when the Bigfoot Saga will take its place, as quite an amazing reality? You decide.

Big Foot

Giants in America

Did giants once exist on the continent? Buried deep in American folklore, an obscured tale suggests they did. And while not widely known and accepted, its implications are 'huge.'

Giving such a 'tall' tale the benefit of the doubt, all we need do in first examination is look back on something Abraham Lincoln said. It was a speech he gave that undid the sheer sensationalism of the idea. In that speech at Niagara Falls he stated, “...The eyes of that species of extinct giant, whose bones fill the mounds of America, have gazed on Niagara as our eyes do now...” That speech was delivered by him in 1848 and pointed to what many pioneers had and were discovering. In fact, Lincoln himself was raised up on the frontier. He must have known first hand about some of these accounts.

Mounds such as Lincoln referred to have been found in many places across the United States. And, the mere fact that accounts of gigantic human type bones being found in them have been 'buried' alludes to the possibility that some 'pages have been torn out of the story.' Adding to the enigma, yet credence in the tale, a number of Native American tribes had stories passed down about some giants existing. In one story, a giant human type man was competing with them for hunting grounds. Then, at some point, it began killing and eating them. The natives united, successfully hunted down and killed him.

Interesting! And, some may even ask was that actually just a Bigfoot, instead? That seems unlikely, going by eye witnesses in Bigfoot sightings. While quite big in comparison to the average man, the being tops out at about 8 to 9 feet. Conversely, some of the bones unearthed in Lincoln's time and later were reportedly well over ten, some even approaching 20 feet.

It's another paradigm-bending possibility, with other burials of giants reportedly having been unearthed elsewhere in the world. And, it may only be a matter of time, when those 'missing pages' in the tale are reinstated. Could the tale of American giants become another, amazing reality? Or, will it remain a timeless American fiction? You decide.
