Timeless Touch Between the Pages
Reflective Reflections
Reflect Between the Pages
What on Earth -
Swept Away
When the sea gave up its calm attitude - It heaved and erupted. Then came the fountains of the deep. They soared miles high, many across the face of the world.
Why did the sea rage unrelented? From whence did the fountains come?
What reason for a world undone?
© Cora Zielins

group of humans - is it Yins or Yangs? Stands to rightly earn top recognition For possessing the very best fangs In provocation
They prove themselves time and again No one being more inclined Taking pleasure in seeing Others undermined
Their hearts readily harken To a jealous word
Their tongues rankly wrap about A slanderous curd
Their thoughts remain fixed on Much to do with themselves
Looking all about except where Integrity and virtue dwells
And their actions return to them Reflect a dastardly image
Top provocateurs fluent... In derision
© Cora Zielins